Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Two Guys and a Lion

When I first started watching this, I thought no good is going to come from this little lion reunion. I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong.

It makes me a little teary.


  1. That's awesome! I'm glad they saw fit to turn the lion loose in Africa though I really have to wonder what goes through people's minds when they decide to buy a lion/tiger cub and they know they don't have enough room to let it run and play. I'm guessing they think they have a year or two before it gets big enough to eat a full size deer in one sitting but that's really closer to just a few months. Unless I was simply waiting on the final few *miles* of fencing to be put up on "my" wildlife preserve, I'd just let zoos or nature keep them until I had the means to raise it properly.

    For this reason, my ferret is almost too big for our house. ;)

  2. It really is awesome.

    I left for a weekend once, and I when I came home, my dog (a german shepherd mix mutt) was so happy to see me, he jumped up, hugged me, and tried to jump into my arms.

    I think what made me teary is that bond one can have with animals...even a lion.
